...اینجا می‌نویسم برای اینکه یادم بمونه... تا راحت‌تر فراموش کنم
Monday, November 30, 2009
وقتی یه چیزی رو برای یه نفر دیگه توضیح میدی تازه اشتباه‌های خودتو متوجه میشی. این خودش خیلی خوبه، چون اگه یه نفری باشه كه بشینه به حرفات گوش بده و حتی هیچی هم نگه، آدم خودش می‌فهمه كه اشکال کار کجاست. اما بدیش اینه که آدم بعضی وقت‌ها دوست داره كه اشتباه کرده باشه و واسه همین داستانش رو تعریف میکنه. بعدش منتظر می‌مونه كه اون ایراده همچین قلپی بپره بیرون، ولی می‌بینه كه نه خبری نیست! اونوقت علی می‌مونه و حوضش...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Drinking tea in cold weather... it feels good.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Road map for next 4 years:
- Finish my 1-D moving interface method
- Pass qualifying exam
- Develop a multidimensional moving interface method with awesome accuracy
- Write a bunch of papers to finish PhD
- Get a job at ANAG (There are nice people researching there and it has astonishing view over San Francisco)

(Click image to enlarge)

PS. I am freaking worthless at planning. This is the perspective I see after resolving a glitch in the 1-D aforementioned method... good night!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Just remember, in the very moment you start categorizing, tagging or putting people in different groups, you fall in the "stupids" category. Everyone is unique...
Friday, November 06, 2009
LaTeX tips for lazy grad students - 3

- Are you a LaTex user?
- Are you a Emacs user?
- Are you tired of limited tex-mode in Emcas?

If you answered affirmative to the above questions, check AUC TeX package for Emacs. It is pretty handy. I like the "Tex-master" thing which able you to define a master document for your multifile LaTeX project and then you don't need to switch to the main file to compile, useful when you are writing a big report/thesis. and a lot of other cool features...

P.S. for Ubuntu/Debian users, AUC TeX is available through Synaptic Package Manager or just type in the command line:

sudo apt-get install auctex

previous posts for lazy grad students:
LaTeX tips for lazy grad students - 1
LaTeX tips for lazy grad students - 2

Thursday, November 05, 2009
Just to make my research more applied...


Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Title: Somebody To Love
Artist: Jefferson Airplane
Album: The Rolling Stone Magazines 50


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