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Friday, November 06, 2009
LaTeX tips for lazy grad students - 3

- Are you a LaTex user?
- Are you a Emacs user?
- Are you tired of limited tex-mode in Emcas?

If you answered affirmative to the above questions, check AUC TeX package for Emacs. It is pretty handy. I like the "Tex-master" thing which able you to define a master document for your multifile LaTeX project and then you don't need to switch to the main file to compile, useful when you are writing a big report/thesis. and a lot of other cool features...

P.S. for Ubuntu/Debian users, AUC TeX is available through Synaptic Package Manager or just type in the command line:

sudo apt-get install auctex

previous posts for lazy grad students:
LaTeX tips for lazy grad students - 1
LaTeX tips for lazy grad students - 2