...اینجا می‌نویسم برای اینکه یادم بمونه... تا راحت‌تر فراموش کنم
Monday, December 21, 2009
Oh man, it's pretty easy to judge alone... much easier to mess it up!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
گوگل ریدرم رو صفر کردم، کفِشم نون کشیدم...آآآآآ، آ.
Friday, December 18, 2009
On the consequences of having friends

I don’t exactly why but it hurts... not because of what they did. In fact there should be no problem at all... it is called “friendship”, no string attached!
Sometime I think I deserve to be treated the way I treat them... hmmm, maybe I’m asking for too much, maybe I’m wrong...thinking about past, I wasn't perfect, but at least I tried. I hope they did the same...
Just remembering the old far idea of “Life is much more bearable when you are alone”. It doesn't look that far now...
It starts with the pain. I try to reason with it. But it doesn't work since there is no possible reasoning in my mind. Then it is remorse, about me and my choices, but I remember there is nothing to be sorry about. Next, it is anger, punching in the wall style. And then it is pain again...

I don't know why but it hurts...

PS. After 8 hours it doesn't hurt anymore. Thank god for obliviousness. It isn't a bug in humans design, it's a fantastic feature!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
ديگر بر مرگ خود نخواهم گريست... هنگام رفتن است
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Title: Adagio For Strings
Artist: William Ørbit
Album: Pieces In A Modern Style


Wednesday, December 02, 2009
It was with me for three years, in happiness and sorrow. Now it's time for it to rest a little bit...

P.S. I got myself a DSLR, yaaay!