...اینجا می‌نویسم برای اینکه یادم بمونه... تا راحت‌تر فراموش کنم
Thursday, June 23, 2005
1- اینترنتم تموم شد ... حال ندارم!
2- گند زدم اساسی. آخه تو که ...چی بگم آخه؟!
برو بمیر...

3- Definition Alert
Your virus protection is not up-to-date.
You may not be protected against newly deadly fatal viruses (those we wrote and developed).
Norton Antivirus recommends that you shut down your computer and go to your bed before saying any kind of f-word to Mr. Norton and his family.
►No more info… Because your are not supposed to know more.

● Run LiveUpdate NOW.
○ Notify me again in 1 (m/μ/n/p) second
4- با چیزایی که دیشب تو خیابون دیدم حالا دیگه اطمينان دارم که رای نمیدم.