...اینجا می‌نویسم برای اینکه یادم بمونه... تا راحت‌تر فراموش کنم
Monday, February 25, 2008
Some facts:
- I’m not a story-teller.
- I’m getting used to this god damned luck. (Is there such thing as Chance? I mean which is the rule? How much influence do we have on our life? Am I in the driver seat or I am living in deep Chaos with a little taste of pragmatism?)
- Tired of planning.
- Need to shot something.
- Dreaming, several nights, about playing tennis. I have no reason for that.
- Afraid of disappointing my family. Are they expecting anything from me?
- Counting down... about 90 days and I should be gone.
Your turn... fill up the holes, as I said; I’m not a story-teller...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Something’s wrong, don’t know why... but adrenalin is sky-high!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Title: Goodnight moon
Artist: Shivaree
Album: I Oughtta Give You a Shot in the Head for Making Me Live in This Dump

This track also appeared in soundtracks of “Kill Bill: Vol.2”… I like the tune of the singer. It’s better to hear a high quality version!


Saturday, February 09, 2008
وسط این همه دغدغه جورواجور، پروژه، پذیرش PhD، گرفتن اقامت یا مهاجرت یا برگشتن و هزار دردسر دیگه من به این نتیجه فلسفی رسیدم:

"فیلم مثل نون می‌مونه... اگه ندیده روی هارد بمونه، بیات می‌شه."
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
just bought a new hard disk... Actually doubled the storage I got... man, I love Technology, the way a consumer does! I gonna download as much as possible. (You know the rule... a good hard disk is a full one!). Anyway, that’s the plan, getting ready to go back home, storing enough movie for hibernation time!

P.S.: any suggestion? special title, director, cast member, gener or...?

P.S.2: I don't have any feeling for copyright and anything like that... that's a little strang, even for me. what's happenig to me?!

P.S.3: Nothing has changed..., I am happy about that!
Friday, February 01, 2008
Title: The Rockafeller Skank
Artist: Fatboy Slim
Album: On the Floor at the Boutique

به یاد Fifa 99 و بازی multiplayer با مودم و خط تلفن... وقتی که خط کم می‌آورد، ابله ورمی‌داشت keypressهارو بافر می‌کرد، بعد یه دفعه می‌دیدی که گل خوردی یا زدی!
