...اینجا می‌نویسم برای اینکه یادم بمونه... تا راحت‌تر فراموش کنم
Monday, January 28, 2008
What’s that? Bad luck or lack of good luck...
Why it is still into me?
It doesn’t matter when it is going to screw up.
I will complain, but definitely not in this life..., will I?
Damn, I'm not sure...
P.S. Can I complain for beign stupid?... I don't think so!
Monday, January 21, 2008
KitKat + Orange juice...
happy for no reason,
way to go, Life!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Title: All The Way Down
Artist: Glen Hansard
Album: Soundtrack of movie "Once"


Tuesday, January 08, 2008
- Oh God, show me a sign. Please…
+ Puuuuuuunch
- Thanks, got it… :)
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I saw six movies yesterday. Lazy ass style, Down to dusk and vice versa! The best one was Once. See that, you won’t repent.
Title: Me and You
Artist: Archive
Album: Noise


یه zoom out که می‌کنم، می‌بینم این زمینی هم که روش محکم وایستادم خودش معلق وسط هزارتا کهکشان وله...